Calliope’s Gears


The Greek muse of heroic poetry is Calliope (kuh-LYE-o-pee). ‘Heroic poetry’ includes story-telling, like those stories that Homer fellow told.

Calliope is also the name of a musical instrument which blows steam through large whistles, such as you might have heard from a circus decades ago. It looks like an organ and gives a happy and very loud sound.

Finally, it’s also the name of a WW II rocket weapon – tubes for rockets mounted on a Sherman tank, which I guess resembled a circus calliope.

Steam, music, poetry – along with the whirring of gears and clanking of crankshafts! Because when steam is too dangerous, springs and gears deliver the power!

Our Calliope’s Gears is a steam-powered heroic story-telling machine, with Lindsay Petersen’s Kate Thomason exploring the era of Jules Verne, H. G. Wells and the Orient Express. Lindsay Peet’s Jaf Daskal works his schemes in a different universe with Victorian and future technologies and maybe a hint of magic.

Kate and Jaf are both trying to get by, to get better, and to get satisfaction.


Best Selling by LINDSAY PEET

STAR-CROSS’D & STEAM-PUNK’D (First Love in a Backwater)

Small and clever and non-threatening, orphan Jaf Daskal is everybody’s friend, but nobody’s mate. When he finds his first job with a local mob boss and love suddenly walks into his life he reckons he’s got this adult thing nailed — even though his family is being torn apart because Jaf’s boss suspects his brother of stealing.

Jaf compartmentalizes his worlds, and when his new family – the syndicate – gets involved in politics he’s happy to go out, shaping opinions as needed. Youth and virility make for bad judgment and sure enough he steps over the line and ends up on the run from scary people.

Realizing he’s put himself and his first love at risk he races home to save her, the one person he knows he can count on, from the brutal lesson his betters mean to teach him.

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Author Lindsay Peet


He grew up in Los Angeles during its most golden and smoggy days, running wild – mostly in his head. This is what happens to imaginative boys growing up in a place devoted to making stuff up! Nowhere else for unbridles fantasy compares nowadays, except maybe our capital.

After the obligatory drug-addled attempts to be America’s hot new writer (a note – Rimbaud and Verlaine are not good models), he came to earth and became a plumber, as his father, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle had. Soon events convinced him to move up and become a contractor. He felt well on his way to a typical middle-class retirement when the crash of 2007-08 toppled his dream-castle just after he sold his business. Suddenly he found himself unable to find another job in his industry.

What to do? Go back to his first ‘career’! Reality being too angsty, he went light-hearted. No ‘big ideas’, no ‘grand themes’, his protagonist Jaf Daskal is a cowardly rogue in a steam-punky universe, a mixture of Kipling’s Kim and Harry Flashman.

He started with a space opera, but readers thought it was Star Wars fanfic (stupid readers!) Lindsay decided the genre wasn’t so important as the characters, and moved Jaf and friends from a space opera to a hybrid steam/future tech/magic universe.

The series started with what is now the first book in the second trilogy ‘The Caliuga Setup’, and then ‘Revenge and Revolution’. After that he wanted to know more about why Jaf is the way he is, and wrote the earlier trilogy series (Star-Cross’d & Steam-Punk’d, Schooled! and Cogwheels). The final book of the six is percolating in his skull as you read this. Consider yourself warned.

Having finally achieved an age and appearance that allow him to sit around all day making up stuff, he and his wife have moved to the green hills of eastern Tennessee, in hailing distance of the International Story-Telling Center.

Home, at last.


Pleasures & Perils


When H. G. Wells’ time machine snatches Kate Thomason from and eight-handed massage in twenty-ninety-seven to his Victorian England bedroom, the inventor and author has no idea of the woman he’s turning loose on his stodgy friends and society.

Rescued from a loveless life, Kate determines she must find the tall, witty kilted man who woos her by a singing brook and beds her on downy heather in her dreams. Surely in this new world of tempting pleasures and hidden peril, she would recognize her dream lover when they meet.

Searching for her ideal man takes her down many sensual trails, to many erotic dead-ends, but she perseveres and learns, relying on the wisdom of her heart to guide her truly. She joins Wells’ expedition to Scotland hunting for the Loch Ness Monster, trusting that somehow true love will bring her and her kilted lover together.

A romantic steampunk adventure like no other, with humor and erotic detours. Join Kate, Wells, Nicola Tesla, a disgraced poet, a loudmouth American newspaperman, a master of disguise, a pair of French scientists, a stowaway and their exasperating guide on Jules Verne’s Nautilus submarine as they try to chase down the greatest mystery of their day – and satisfy a woman’s heart.

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The Fascinating World of Lindsay Petersen

A native of Leeds, Alabama, Lindsay grew up feeling she had been born in the wrong century, decades later than she ought to have been – and perhaps even in the wrong Leeds.

She has lived all over the globe, but most enjoyed Paris, where she studied and improved the French passions of l’amour and gourmanderie, devising arant-garde combinations of the two. She also has fond memories of her days as a graduate student in Delhi, where she won a coveted first in her studies of the Kama Sutra after ‘wowing’ the judges in her lab work.

Having conquered one world, she focused her considerable energies on motorcars, gourmanderie, oenology, and expressing the arts of the muses of song, dance, and of course Calliope — poetry. Of her paintings it’s been said that they’re worth a million words. Those who read her prose value her words more than a thousand pictures (“Math is hard!”).

As a sideline she extensively investigated emollients, trying to determine just how soft her skin could be (“Wonderfully so!” exclaims her husband) in her monograph, “Fifty Grades of Shea.”

So finely tuned are her senses of taste and smell that, when spectroscopes need calibration, she is called in as a benchmark. It has been proposed that their precision be calibrated in ‘petersens.’

She lives and travels with her husband, who calls himself “the luckiest man in the world.” Lindsay Petersen agrees with him.

Lindsay’s exploits are hardly unique in her family. It was at her great-great-grandmother’s suggestion that Coco Chanel created one more scent after Chanel Number Four. The rest is history.


Bogdan Maksimovic

Our Illustrator, Bogdan Maksimovic

Bogdan is a professional illustrator, designer, and exhibiting artist from Belgrade, Serbia. He graduated with a BA degree in Illustration at the Utrecht University of Arts, The Netherlands in 2004 and has been working professionally since.
In 2015 he decided to specialize in book cover design and illustration and since then has made hundreds of covers in dozens of genres.
So far he’s had five solo exhibitions and participated in dozens of group shows in his country and abroad, winning many awards.



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